Let’s see if we vibe!

The Oman Expedition isn't your typical vacation—it's an extraordinary journey. We travel in a small group of like-minded individuals, pushing our limits together as a team. This is an adventure that can only be truly understood by those who have experienced it firsthand! Reach out to our team of pioneers, let's connect, and we'll answer all your questions about the most unforgettable adventure you'll ever embark on!

What the explorers say:

  • 'Going out there with friends, all against the elements of nature. Having a unique experience together.. building up a close relationship with your (co)pilot - partner – spending 3 days in the same definitely makes you come closer to each other.'


  • ‘The silence and the complete darkness makes it possible to see things that normally don’t come to your attention. Especially the stars that can be identified at night are beyond anybody’s imagination.'


  • 'Stimulated by pitch-black skies and knowing that you’re the only one in miles around (no light & sound pollution!). Being responsible for finding your own camp-spot and bringing your own stuff (tents, food, firewood). Camping as it was meant!'
